14 – 16 November 2023
Government College Kasaragod, Kerala, India.
Organised by
Department of P.G. Studies and Research in Kannada
Government College Kasaragod, Kerala, India.
Sponsored by
Collegiate Education Department, Government of Kerala, India.
Call For Paper
The last date for submission : 10th October 2023.
Kasaragod is the land of Cultural diversity where more than 20 languages and dialects are spoken, more than 30 Yakshagana troups left their foot prints, more than 50 communities are living together and more than 100 varieties of Daivas are being performed and worshipped.
However, there has been a lack of adequate engagement by researchers on ‘Cultural diversity of Kasaragod’ both at the micro and macro levels and/or in regional, national and international contexts.
Along with Resource Person’s Lectures and Workshops, Participants could be present their Papers in the International Conference exploring the Cultural Diversity of Kasaragod through following streams:
1. Language and Literature, 2. Theatrical Performances
3. Folk Traditions 4. Media
5. Art and Architecture.
[Note: the major axes (though not limited to) of examining the diversity would be ethnicity, gender, religion, class, and languages of Kasaragod region]
Submission of Abstract/Paper:
We invite an abstract of 200 words highlighting the research problem, data, methods, and major findings. The last date for submission of the abstract is extended upto 10th October 2023. The Author(s) of the papers will be communicated about acceptance of their abstract within seven days of the submission . Full draft papers of 6000 to 8000 words can be submitted on 10th November 2023 or within a month including the feedback received during the presentation at the Conference. The paper having potential for publication can be included in a special issue of a journal / or an edited book.
Note: A maximum of 40 abstracts will be selected based on their merits.
The abstract can be submitted to the following google form link;
We intend to select important papers based on their potential and advice from referees to publish them in a Special Journal Issue or as an Edited Volume (to be decided later) from a reputed publisher.
Venue for the Conference: The Conference will be held at The Government College Kasaragod, Kerala, India.
Registration Fee: There is no registration fee for the Conference and No TA/DA will be provided to participants.
For any other communication and urgency: please contact:
Dr. Balakrishna B.M. Hosangadi. (Coordinator)
Associate professor of Kannada
[email protected]
Conference Committee:
Dr. Anil Kumar V. S.
Prof. Sujatha S.
Assistant Professor | Head, Dept of Kannada
Dr. Ratnakara M.
Associate Professor of Kannada
Dr. Radhakrishna N. Bellur
Associate Professor of Kannada
Dr.Shridhara N.
Associate Professor of Kannada
Dr.Savitha B.
Assistant Professor of Kannada
Dr.Vedavathi S.
Assistant Professor of Kannada
Dr.Ashalatha C.K.
Assistant Professor of Kannada
Prof.Lakshmi K.
Assistant Professor of Kannada