Brief Intro of yakshagana and Yakshagana Research Center (YRC)


Yakshagana is specified as Samagra kale or complete art form. Angika, Aharyaka, Sathvika, Vachika- all these four parts of a performing art find their due place in this unique artform. The ‘himmela’ (background accompaniment like, chende, maddale, chakratala, jagate, shruti along with the rendering of prasanga padya by the Bhagavatha) and the ‘Mummela’ (performers of different roles of the plot) together make it a complete theatre. It is an epic theatre in every sense. The silent act of inculcating the values through ‘Rasabhivyakthi’ is being carried out from generation to generation through this art form. It appeals to both the scholars and the laymen. It has enriched the Kannada Language to a large extent. The regional differences of Yakshagana are found mainly in Badagu thittu and Tenku thittu forms. Besides Yakshagana Bayalata there is also Yakshagana Talamaddale, Yakshagana Bombeyata etc. and they all come under the broad sector of Yakshagana. It has to be noted that Kumbale of Kasaragod is the citadel of Tenkuthittu Yakshagana.

Kasaragod has wombilical ties with this artform.Yakshagana Acharya Parthisubba is the proud son of this soil. There are hundreds of artists both professionals and amateurs in every nook and corner of Kasaragod. The legendary figure Chandragiri Ambu,Bannada Malinga, Balipa Bhagavatha, Sheni Gopalakrishna Bhat, Chipparu Krishnayya Ballaland many others left their footprints in the history of Yakshagana. Artiststs of second and third generation also have made their indelible impression. The number of Yakshagana Kalasanghas and the number of artists actively involved in Yakshagana say a lot about the love and fondness of natives to this artform. The native culture of Kasaragod has literally imbibed the spirit of Yakshagana irrespective of caste and creed. The centuries’ old traditional style of this artform has changed a lot answering to the needs of fast changing modern world. Still the essential fragrance of Yakshagana is found in both the younger and older generation.


Yakshagana Research Centre

The absence of an academic centre for the popular and native art form Yakshagana is redeemed by the initiation of Yakshagana Research Centre under the Dept. of Kannada in Govt. College, Kasaragod.

It is a historic moment for art lovers and Research scholars of Kasaragod to have the Yakshagana Research Centre to be inaugurated in Government College, Kasaragod. The multi – dimensional nature of Yakshagana offers high scope for research and study. The academic intention of the Centre is highly stressed. Getting academic recognition under the Department of Kannada, Government College Kasaragod generates new hope. It is commendable that this is a part of Kasaragod development package on the recommendations of Dr. Prabhakaran Commission. At this moment we express our sincere gratitude to Honourable MLA Sri N. A. Nellikunnu, District Collector and District Planning Officer for materializing this Centre. Under the direction of the District Collector a governing body has been formed. The Principal of the College is an Ex. Officio Chairman and Dr. Rathnakara Mallamoole of Kannada Department is assigned with the task of co-ordination. The members of the Kannada Department, Yakshagana artistes and other retired faculty joined in this venture. It is an initial step of a big dream with future aspirations depending on heartful co-operation from every side.


Future aspirations:

  • Full- fledged Yakshagana Museum: Systematic Collection, Preservation, and exhibition of all those things related to Yakshagana.
  • A study centre to carry out research programmes on different forms of Yakshagana spread over Kerala and Karnataka.
  • Documentation of (audio and video) representative models of Bayalata, Thalamaddale and Bombeyata.
  • Collection of manuscripts related to Yakshagana including Prasanga Sahitya.
  • A complete Directory of Yakshagana artists of Kasaragod
  • Training and guidance in all the four components of Yakshagana following academic discipline.
  • Publication of a Yakshagana journal, and also collection of Peer reviewed articles and books related to Yakshagana
  • Conducting Seminars, Workshops, Symposiums
  • Constructing an independent building spacious enough for museum, library, seminar hall, archives – all in one

Inauguration - YRC

Yakshamangala - Special Lecture Program

Yakshagana Training Program - residential

Yakshakavi Kavyayana - Special Lecture

Yakshagana rasasvadhane - Book Review

Hiriyara Nenapu - Memorial day

Corona Yaksha Jagruthi - Covid 19 Awareness through yakshagana